Outdoor Yards

Dog Boarding & Dog Daycare With Outdoor Play Space

The ultimate outdoor experience for our luxury dog hotel guests! Guests will love our outdoor courtyard where they have the freedom to run, play and stretch their legs. Guests can also take this time to relieve themselves and enjoy some fresh air. At K9 Resorts Luxury Pet Hotel, our outdoor areas feature state-of-the-art artificial turf and are disinfected on a regular basis.


All of our Luxury Dog Boarding and Doggie Daycare services include both indoor and outdoor play spaces for your pet. Our space is large enough to give your dog the room they need to feel comfortable as well as plenty of friends to play with. We also make sure to separate larger dogs from smaller dogs so that none of our guests feel intimidated, or out of their league on the playing field.


In order to give your pet the most outdoor activity possible, the outdoor pet space is used all day, for all dog hotel and daycare guests! At K9 Resorts we also have separate outdoor areas for dogs that do not participate in social or group play activities

The Benefits of Our Outdoor Yards and Play Areas

Everyone needs a bit of fresh air every now and then, even pets. Keeping your canine companion happy, physically fit, and healthy requires consistent time outside. On top of ensuring your pet’s physical well-being, our outdoor yards have several emotional and behavioral advantages.

Some of those benefits include:

  • Increasing mental energy
  • Decreasing separation anxiety
  • Diminishing destructive behavior, such as chewing and digging
  • Reducing stress and depression
  • Building confidence
  • Lowering digestive issues


One of our biggest priorities is your pet’s health, focusing on getting your dog outside, socializing with others, and tiring them out for a nap or a good night’s sleep later. Our dog daycare with outdoor space helps give you complete peace of mind that your furry friend is getting the exercise necessary to thrive while you’re away.

Exceptional Dog Boarding and Dog Daycare with Outdoor Space

You can rest assured that every K9 Resorts location offers extensive outdoor space. Some other pet care facilities offer only indoor space and we have seen firsthand how our outdoor space can positively affect our pet guests. This has a lot to do with the layout of the environment and our staff’s willingness to put your dog’s health first.

We continue to offer this specific amenity because our dog boarding and doggie daycare programs with outdoor space are designed to:

  • Keep your dog occupied so that they don’t get anxious or start to worry about you
  • Help your pet socialize with others to avoid aggressive behavior
  • Prioritize cleanliness, as our outdoor yards have antimicrobial agents that create a safer and sanitized environment
  • Make every pet guest feel more comfortable and secure in a spacious setting


When you leave your pet in our care, we want you to have peace of mind that your furry family member is receiving the best care possible.  Your pet will be well-rested, exceptionally loved, and excited to see you (but maybe not quite ready to leave) upon your return.

Find your nearest K9 Resorts Luxury Pet Hotel to schedule a tour with our friendly staff. We invite you to see why so many pet professionals trust and recommend us.

Dogs playing in an outside exercise area with toys


Find your nearest K9 Resorts to schedule a tour with our friendly staff. We invite you to see why so many pet professionals trust and recommend 
K9 Resorts. 

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